Celanese Unveils Sweetener Industry Vision at FI Europe with its “Four Keys to Food and Beverage Producers’ Success”
Celanese Outlines Strategy, Growth Objectives and Capital Allocation Plans at Investor Day
Celanese to Expand Advanced Materials Portfolio with Addition of PEEK
Celanese Announces Capacity Expansions for Acetic Acid and VAM in North America
Celanese Announces Acetic Acid Price Increases
Celanese to Host 2015 Investor Day
Celanese Announces Vinyl Acetate-based Emulsions Price Increases in Asia
Celanese Launches Low Friction, Low Wear Tribology Product Platform for Use in Moving Parts
Celanese Corporation Declares Quarterly Dividend of $0.30 Per Share
Celanese Presents Cutting-edge Pharmaceutical Copolymer at 2015 AAPS Annual Meeting & Convention